Monday, April 22, 2013

MURLIN Trebuchet

Week One, Day One: Alex, Brandon, and myself researched the different models there are of trebuchets. We decided that for our project we will be building a MURLIN Trebuchet. A MURLIN Trebuchet is redesigned Trebuchet that allows the Trebuchet's arm to rotate up to 230 degrees, which increases the throwing speed of the arm. For our model Trebuchet, it is 12 inches in length and six inches in width. We successfully built the frame and the supporting arms for our trbuchet.

Week One, Day Two: Today we continued our work on our MURLIN Trebuchet. We added onto the supporting arms, as well as, cutting our metal rod for our Trebuchet. The metal rod will be the essential piece to the spinning of the arm.

Week One, Day Three: Today we continued the construction of the supporting beams and fixing the kinks that came along with it. We also designed the arm that will be doing the launching in our experiment. We have all the pieces of this main arm, we just need to put it together now. After having this arm put together, we will be about 75% complete with building of our model MURLIN Trebuchet.